Canning Tonatoes

R. Brady FrostPersonal StuffLeave a Comment

Canning is something that Tara learned over the years that we’ve been married. She did it to help our family stretch the food budget, and I feel very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to learn a bit more about the process. Especially considering the fact that she had to figure it out all on her own. She’s a remarkable woman, and I’ve been truly blessed to have her in my life.

Conquering Lewis Peak

R. Brady FrostPersonal Stuff1 Comment

The picture above is one I took last year. I remember the moment. I remember the why. It was a rainy Wednesday, just after 5:30 PM. I wasn’t thinking about climbing this particular mountain at the time, and yet… here we are. The highest point in this picture is called Lewis Peak. We hadn’t set out to hike that far, but once we reached the top of our intended climb (the Ogden Valley Lookout) from the North Ogden Divide at the Ben Lomond trailhead, we decided to give it a go. Tara and I both have fond memories of the hike to the Ogden Valley Lookout from when we were kids. Mine were from the hikes I went on while … Read More

Hiking up the Mountain

R. Brady FrostWriting UpdatesLeave a Comment

And pushing yourself to do hard things. Standing atop Malan’s Peak, life in the city of Ogden, Utah can be seen down below. The picture above isn’t perfect. The day when it was taken wasn’t a perfect day. And yet, both were good enough, and sometimes that’s just what you need. Malan’s Peak isn’t the tallest mountain in the Ogden valley. Far from it, actually, but it’s a goal that’s achievable. Friday was the second time my wife and I set out and reached the summit. I think it took us about seven hours up and back, to include a leisurely lunch, plenty of breaks, and a bonus trip beyond the peak to reach Malan’s Basin a ways further up … Read More

Stop Making Yourself Small

R. Brady FrostA Battle Mage Reborn, Writing Updates3 Comments

Dark Fantasy World

Self-doubt began to overshadow my creativity. I doubted the strength of my voice. I wondered if anyone even cared about the things I wanted to create anymore. I carried a lot of hurt and pain, and those dark feelings made it harder and harder to reach out and connect with people. What should have been the greatest achievement of my life felt more and more like a burden I’d somehow forced myself to carry.

Remind Me Tomorrow

R. Brady FrostPersonal StuffLeave a Comment

R. Brady Frost on a Post-It Note

I bought a MacBook Pro this last Fall after starting my new job. The original intent was to use it for writing. And I have. I’ve written quite a bit, as a matter of fact. I’m a Windows user primarily, but I did use a Mac when I worked for Pearson School Systems some years ago. It wasn’t my preferred OS, but I don’t really have anything against Macs. Naturally, this begs the question: Why buy a Mac now? Well, my favorite writing and publishing applications are native to the platform, and that’s a pretty big deal. Anything that makes writing easier is a big plus in my book.Anyway… Every time I boot into my Mac, I get this friendly … Read More

R. Brady Frost spotted in the Wild

R. Brady FrostFinal Hope, Writing UpdatesLeave a Comment

R. Brady Frost with his biggest fan.

It was a beautiful Spring weekend here in Texas, but it didn’t start out that way.It was Friday and I sat at my desk, looking out the window as the raging wind tugged and pulled at our crepe myrtle trees. The sky was overcast and I began to wonder whether this camping trip was going to work out…

Goodbye 2017 – Happy New Year

R. Brady FrostPersonal Stuff, Writing UpdatesLeave a Comment

2017 is coming to a close and as we reflect on the year behind us, we look forward to the days and adventures 2018 will bring. My writing plans this year aren’t new years resolutions, but a continuation of the hard work I’ve been putting in to chase down my dreams.