The Broken Blade is Published!

R. Brady FrostA Battle Mage Reborn, LitRPG, Writing UpdatesLeave a Comment

Seeker - The Broken Blade
Second Chance ebook cover

The Broken Blade: A BATTLE MAGE REBORN (Book 2)... now live on

It's been a few weeks since the release of The Broken Blade. The early reception has been amazing!

The Broken Blade starts on the slopes of the Frostwind Mountains

Greetings, Travelers! A few months before release, subscribers of My Newsletter received a link to a special sneak peek of The Broken Blade. They got a chance to travel with Denton as he braved the ice and snow of the Frostwind Mountains in his search for the Pristine Snowthistles he'd been tasked to find.

The book is now live on Amazon and early Travelers have really enjoyed continuing with Denton on his journey through EndWorld Everlasting. They know the darkness and pain he's been struggling with, and they were there with him as he formed new friendships, strengthened old ties, and ultimately faced the darkness within.

You can read the first few chapters here:

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